Wednesday, August 6, 2014


by Paul Gibbs

Back in May, just as I finished editing Entitled to Life, I came across an email from about $500 grants available for promoting Medicaid expansion in your home state. I sent them the YouTube link and told them I wanted to do more interviews. Instead of giving me the $500 to do more interviews in Utah, they've offered $3,500 to go to two other states and make films which highlight the plight of their citizens in the coverage gap, just as we did in Utah with the original Entitled to Life.

The first state will be North Carolina, and we'll be there filming over Labor Day weekend. I'm very excited about this opportunity to help people in some of the poor southern states which are suffering worst from their decisions not to accept Medicaid expansion funding.

While the grant from MoveOn will cover most of our expenses, we'll be scraping to get two films in separate states made with that. In order to bring the budget up just a little, we've started a Kickstarter. If you can afford to and would like, to please take a look and see if you can help. All of the money will go into production. I won't be making any money myself.

We're also jumping right into production an Entitled to Life, Part II here in Utah. We'll be interviewing more people in the coverage gap, as well as medical professionals and religious leaders who support Healthy Utah. We'll keep putting the word out there until it has well and truly been heard.

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